We had a near Tornado type rain/wind storm on Saturday, windy yesterday, cold today and tomorrow I will go to the beach. High of 75 F and sunshine all day. That is winter in Florida it changes day to day. So far our winter has been absolutly great. The rain on Sar. was the first of 2008, and not much expected over the next week or so.
I have been busy in the park, also joined Shpaes so go their for water exercise classes 5-6 times per week. Hopefully it will firm me up a bit. Eating out does not help the waistline but I have had lunch out last week at Leverocks in South Pasadena with the Shapes group. Dinner Saturday with the Scarlett Hustlers of Penellas (Red Hat Society) at Sam Seltzer's (See picture, I am on the right). and tomorrow the Crafter's group from our Park are going the the 4th Street Shrimp House for lunch. Oh well, it is a tough life......